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Selected Publications

For an updated list of publications please visit my google scholar page 

Shoenfelt, A., Pehlivanoglu, D., Lin, T., Ziaei, M., Feifel, D. & Ebner, N. (2024), Effects of Chronic Intranasal Oxytocin on Visual Attention to Social vs Nonsocial Stimuli in Older Adults, Psychoneuroendocrinology, DOI10.1016/j.psyneuen.2024.107018


Ziaei, M., Oestreich, L., Persson, J., Reutens, D.C. & Ebner, N.C. (2022). Neural correlates of affective empahty: Multimodal imaging and multivariate approach, Aging, Neuropsychology and cognition, DOI: 10.1080/13825585.2022.2036684


Huuha, A. M., Norevik, C. S., Moreira, J. B. N., Kobro-Flatmoen, A., Scrimgeour, N., Kivipelto, M., . . . Tari, A. R. (2022). Can Exercise Training Teach Us How to Treat Alzheimer’s disease? Ageing Res Rev, 101559. DOI: 10.1016/j.arr.2022.101559


Ziaei, M., Oestreich, L., Reutens, D.C. & Ebner, N.C. (2021). Age-related differences in negative cognitive empathy but similarities in positive affective empathy, Brain Structure and Function, 226, pages1823–1840. DOI: 10.1007/s00429-021-02291-y


Bonyadi, M.R., Wang, R. & Ziaei, M (2022). Self Punishment and Reward Backfill for Deep Q-Learning, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2021.3140042


Carroll, A., Sanders-O’Connor, E., Forrest, K., Fynes-Clinton, S., York, A., Ziaei, M., . . . Reutens, D. (2021). Improving Emotion Regulation, Well-being, and Neuro-cognitive Functioning in Teachers: a Matched Controlled Study Comparing the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Health Enhancement Programs. Mindfulness. DOI: s12671-021-01777-4


Ziaei, M., Arnold, C., Thompson, K. & Reutens, D.C. (2022). Social cognition in frontal and temporal lobe epilepsy: systematic review and meta-analysis, International Journal of Neuropsychological Society, DOI: S1355617722000066


Ziaei, M., Bonyadi, M.R. & Reutens, D.C. (2020). Age-related differences in structural and functional prefrontal networks during a logical reasoning task, Brain Imaging and Behavior, DOI:10.1007/s11682-020-00315-5 


Ziaei, M., Bonyadi, M.R. & Reutens, D.C. (2020). A new role of the hippocampus in logical reasoning and belief bias in aging, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, DOI:10.3389/fnagi.2020.00111  


Ziaei, M., Persson, J., Bonyadi, M.R., Reutens, D.C. & Ebner, N.C.  (2019). Amygdala functional network during recognition of own-age vs. other-age faces in younger and older adults. Neuropsychologia, 129, 10-20


Horta, M., Ziaei, M., Lin, T., Porges, E.C., Fischer, H., Feifel, D., Spreng, N. and Ebner, N.C. (2019). Oxytocin alters patterns of brain activity and amygdalar connectivity by age during dynamic facial emotion identification, Neurobiology of Aging, 78, 42-51. 


Ziaei, M., Samrani, G. & Persson, J. (2018). Age differences in the neural response to emotional distraction during working memory encoding. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 18 (3).  


Ziaei, M., Salami, A.R. & Persson, J. (2017). A multivariate analysis of age-related differences in processing emotional items during working memory paradigm, Neuropsychologia, 94, 941-12. 


Ziaei, M., Salami, A.R. & Persson, J. (2017). A multivariate analysis of age-related differences in processing emotional items during working memory paradigm, Neuropsychologia, 94, 941-12. 


Ziaei. M., Ebner, N.C., Burianová, H. (2016). A multivariate analysis of brain networks involved in gaze and emotional processing, European Journal of Neuroscience, 45 2: 312-320. 


Ziaei. M., Burianová, H., von Hippel, W., Ebner, N., Phillips & L.H., Henry, J.D. (2016), The impact of aging on the neural correlates involved in gaze and emotional processing, Neurobiology of Aging, 48, 182-194. 


Peira, N., Ziaei, M. & Persson, J. (2015), Age differences in brain systems supporting transient and sustained processes involved in prospective memory and working memory, NeuroImage, 125, 745-755. 


Burianová, H., Marstaller, L., Choupan, J., Sepehrband, F., Ziaei, M. & Reutens, D. (2015). The impact of ageing on the brain’s structural integrity and task-related functional connectivity, Neurobiology of Aging, 36(10), 2830–2837.


Ziaei, M., Peira, N. & Persson, J. (2014), Brain systems underlying attentional control and emotional distraction during working memory encoding, NeuroImage, 87, 276-286

Publications: Publications

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